Skin Checks
Many companies are concerned about the risk of their employees getting skin cancer and offer them annual skin checkups. This can be part of a general health check but can also be focused.
We can provide skin examinations for groups or individuals at our corporate health facility or for the groups at their place of work complete with a short seminar or skin cancer education.
Queensland has high levels of skin cancer and the best way to manage it is to screen for the early signs. The most serious skin cancer is melanoma. The incidence of melanoma continues to rise but screening is detecting cases earlier with a much better chance of cure. We would like to check your staff and if need be, arrange treatment with a GP/specialist of their choice.
- Pre employment medicals
- Coalboard medicals
- Drug testing or screening
- Workcover assessments/injury management
- Urinalysis (urine testing)
- Spirometry (lung testing)
- Functional capacity assessments
- Audiology (hearing tests)
- CXR (chest x-ray evaluation)
- ECG (heart evaluation)
- Executive Health Checks
- Eye testing (vision assessment)
- Fitness evaluations
- Diving medicals
- Skin checks
- Corporate travel vaccinations
- Corporate vaccination programs
- Lifestyle modification programs