Diving Medicals
The Great Barrier Reef is a mecca for recreational divers, many of whom base themselves in Rockhampton for training. This gives them easy access to the delights of the Keppel Islands.
It is a pre requisite for SCUBA diving training that perspective divers pass a medical conducted by a doctor with a special interest in diving medicine. We have that expertise available and conduct entry level SCUBA diving medicals in accordance with standards Australia, AS 4005.1
- Pre employment medicals
- Coalboard medicals
- Drug testing or screening
- Workcover assessments/injury management
- Urinalysis (urine testing)
- Spirometry (lung testing)
- Functional capacity assessments
- Audiology (hearing tests)
- CXR (chest x-ray evaluation)
- ECG (heart evaluation)
- Executive Health Checks
- Eye testing (vision assessment)
- Fitness evaluations
- Diving medicals
- Skin checks
- Corporate travel vaccinations
- Corporate vaccination programs
- Lifestyle modification programs