Coalboard Medicals
Are you going to be working for a mine or deliver a service to the mining industry? Coalboard medicals are done on prospective employees or existing employees from time to time to ensure fitness, safety and suitability for the specific jobs they are in. A Coalboard medical is a requirement from the department of mines, and without a valid or current medical, access to a mine site is restricted. Having a valid coalboard medical is the key to your future in the mining / mining related industries.
So, how does it work? 3 Easy steps:
- The 1st step of the medical consist of a form (handed to you on arrival / downloaded ) with a patient section where general patient medical information is collected. This is really easy to fill out and our friendly staff are available to assist if anything is unclear. It is important to fill in as much info as possible since this will enable the doctor to get a better understanding of your health.
- The 2nd step is to have a hearing assessment (audiogram), followed by a lung function test (spirometry) and a drugscreen done on your urine.
- The 3rd and final step involves an examination with the doctor who will listen to your chest, examine your tummy, and a few other areas.
- Pre employment medicals
- Coalboard medicals
- Drug testing or screening
- Workcover assessments/injury management
- Urinalysis (urine testing)
- Spirometry (lung testing)
- Functional capacity assessments
- Audiology (hearing tests)
- CXR (chest x-ray evaluation)
- ECG (heart evaluation)
- Executive Health Checks
- Eye testing (vision assessment)
- Fitness evaluations
- Diving medicals
- Skin checks
- Corporate travel vaccinations
- Corporate vaccination programs
- Lifestyle modification programs